My headspace , an outer space
Where I can cry and have ugly laughs
A beautiful place
Where nobody judge me for my faults
Nobody cares there if I'm chubby
A boy there , don't need me just in bed
Pink clouds in heart shape , my headspace.
People actually contact me there
Above lust , above boredom and above need
And I'm beautiful there
With long shiny hair
Peaceful place , I don't feel lonely
I watch sunset in my balcony
Blushing face , my headspace.
There I'm not replaceable
Even I'm cracking bad jokes , I'm adorable
And it's safe to be vulnerable
A happy place , my headspace.
There it's okay to trust , to love
And I'm lovable too
I feel safe there
I've said , "I love you too"
Sky is not faded to blue
No one else
Just me and you
No jugdy eyes
No lies
Red lipstick and smiles
Full of love - pure space
My headspace.
~ Kashish Paliwal