You only shows up
When I look hot
Or you're lonely
It's funny
I was seventeen
When I met you first
You made me smile
But you made me cry
You made me doubt myself
When you used to talk about other girls.
Your smoke
Made my vision blurry
And when you joke on me
That wasn't funny
Boy I tried to fix you
But it broke me , irony
I tried to make you love me
But I hated myself , so finally
I left you
I loved you so much
But you never saw it
Or maybe ignoring all that time.
Well , seriously now
I don't get goosebumps from your name
I kinda forget us , completely
Love isn't something when you feel pity
So Please don't come to me
Well finally
You can go be with your bestfriends
Adore other girls & get high in clubs
Take numbers of cute strangers
Boy enjoy your life but this time
A girl won't be waiting for your texts
Now this girl won't cry for you
Why? Because she left you
She's over you.
~ Kashish Paliwal