Shorter texts , longer days
Came close , now running away
I don't wanna feel miser
So I'm sleeping all day.
I've let you enter my wonderland
Why'd you put it on fire?
I told you I miss you
But why don't you care?
No , I'm not blaming you
It just hurts to lose you
Painted a dreamy image
Now it's blackout like you.
You were my wish granted
Now you'll make me cry at 11:11
I'm doubting my belief system
My angels are crying too from heaven.
Love is my religion
I've made you my ritual
Was I the only one who loved us?
I'm feeling like a fool by doing efforts.
If you want me , show me
What's in your mind? Tell me
It's 11 , I'm 11 minutes away
So are you on your way?
-- Kashish Paliwal